Our payment process is designed to be convenient and efficient, allowing you to easily make payments in Pakistani Rupees (PKR) through two widely recognized and trusted payment platforms: JazzCash and Easypaisa.

IPTV Payment Methods Worldwide

Payment methods available in PKR and USD for your convenience.

We also accept payments from digital wallets, UK, and USA bank accounts.

  • PKR
  • USD Digital
  • USA
  • UK

Account Title : SEHRISH

JazzCash  : 03237019300

Easypaisa : 03483643353

Easypaisa IBAN : PK50TMFB0000000067029541

Perfect Money ( USD )  U3651245

Perfect Money ( EURO )  E4617167

Webmoney ( USD ) Z193452976513

Payeer P1030005377

Bank name: First Century Bank

Bank address:
1731 N Elm St Commerce, GA 30529 USA

Routing (ABA): 061120084

Account number: 4024952722773

Account type: CHECKING

Beneficiary name: Asif Ali Mirani

Bank name: Barclays

Sort code: 231486

Account number: 07541418

Beneficiary name: Asif Ali Mirani

Payment Options


With JazzCash, you can complete your IPTV subscription payment with just a few taps on your mobile device. Whether you’re a Jazz network user or not, JazzCash provides a user-friendly and reliable platform to make your payment hassle-free. Enjoy the flexibility of making payments anytime, anywhere, without the need for cash or physical cards.


Easypaisa offers another convenient way to pay for your IPTV subscription. As one of Pakistan’s leading mobile money services, Easypaisa ensures your payment is quick and secure. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of traditional payment methods and experience the ease of transferring funds directly from your Easypaisa account.

How to Make a Payment ?

1.Select your Subscription: Choose the IPTV subscription plan that suits your preferences.

2.Proceed to Checkout: Add the selected plan to your cart and proceed to the checkout page.

3.Payment Method: Select either JazzCash or Easypaisa as your preferred payment method.

4.Follow the Instructions: You will be guided through a seamless payment process. Provide the necessary information and confirm the payment.

5.Confirmation: Once the payment is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation message on your mobile device and via email.

Why Choose JazzCash and Easypaisa


Both JazzCash and Easypaisa are renowned for their robust security measures, ensuring that your payment details and personal information remain confidential.


Make payments from the comfort of your home, office, or while on the go. No need to visit physical stores or handle cash.

Instant Confirmation

Once your payment is made, you’ll receive an instant confirmation, allowing you to start enjoying our IPTV services without delay.

Widely Accepted

JazzCash and Easypaisa are widely accepted across Pakistan, making them accessible options for a majority of our customers.